Chevrolet Plans to Phase out Underperforming Optra

We have already shared with our readers the news that Chevrolet would be stpping the Aveo duos – sedan and U-VA hatchback and would be replacing them with Sail twins soon.


Another big news is that the company is also planning to axe its C2 segment sedan Optra. Sales for Optra for the last few months have been dismal and on a declining trail continuously. If we combine total sales for the last 6 months, Optra has not even reached 1000 cumulative sales. For the last two months its sales have declined to as much as 20 and 3 units respectively.

Although a potent car, Optra has just not clicked with the masses. The company however has not mentioned any timeframe of discontinuing the Optra. It has also not talked about any model which might replace Optra in the future. Nor do we have any hint if there exists any particular model which Chevrolet would bring in to bridge the gap between the coming-soon Sail sedan and Cruze.

Chevrolet is also going for NPDs (No Production Days) to adjust and control any piling up of inventories due to the current slowdown in the industry.

Chevrolet has as many as five new products in pipeline for this year. Out of these 5 they have just launched the new 2.2L Captiva AT SUV and Cruze 166PS with the new 2L Z-Series engine.


Source: Financial Express

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