When BMW brought the iconic Mini brand to India, these cars were perceived as quite the style statement and were more than the cars in The Italian Job.
Back in January 2012, there were huge crowds at MINI’s stalls at the Delhi Auto Expo. These cars represent a classic combination of modernity and retro styling. MINIs come in as a competition to the VW Beetle in India, with both of them targeting the cult audience.
There are six models of the Mini but India has received three out of them-the Mini Cooper and Cooper S, Convertible and Countryman models (Know More). BMW sells these cars through exclusive dealerships in India which stand at a count of 4 in Delhi , Mumbai and Hyderabad . They intend on taking the dealership count to 8 by 2014 to sell their MINI line-up.
BMW Group India President Philipp von Sahr said that they expected the dealership network to increase in near future and the country to recover from a short economic slump which has been hampering the sales. “This year (2012) we make the brand known. Till November, we sold 280 Mini cars and we expect to sell 300 cars for the whole year (January-December)” Sahr said.
He added that the sales would increase in 2013 due to a better dealership network reaching out to various untapped cities and the economic condition will improve from hereon. Also , the company will bring in more models of the MINI series in India which shall help cater to people with different tastes and needs. The Beetle on the other hand has had to face stiff competition from the MINI as its got the cute-sy looks coupled with just one model on offer.
MINI plans on being the sole contender in the iconic segment and 2013 VW Beetle will give the sales a hiccup but we do not expect any significant hindrance to stop the MINI from its BIG sales.
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Source: Economic Times
Richie Rich