It was just a matter of time before we see this coming. After a recent spurt of spyshots of its sibling, the MU-7 in India, D-Max pick-up comes to the scene.
SCOOP: First Ever Spy Pics of HUGE Isuzu MU7 SUV From Pune
Date back a few months, on 19th July we shared with MotorBash readers about a surprise story of Isuzu Motors planning to launch its BIG SUV MU7 in India. Well, here are the living snaps of the same!
Surprize: Isuzu Joins the SUV wagon, Plans to Launch MU7 SUV & DMAX Pick-up this Year in India
It seems that Indian Truck Manufacturers’ unchallenged territory is ready to welcome a new competitor, Isuzu. Isuzu Motors Limited, a $1.7 billion Japanese auto firm is planning to